Friday, September 4, 2009


I have never been a huge fan of the story of Samson. I mean it seemed more like a story for guys - big strong man, fighting battles and defeating enemies with his bare hands, falling in love with a woman he shouldn't, etc. And it was always a kind of sad story about how he was deceived, didn't realize that the Spirit had left him, and was finally captured by the enemy. He had his eyes put out and was ridiculed by the people he had previously caused to tremble just by saying his name. (Side note, this reminds me of the hyenas in The Lion King movie.....Mufasa!). Samson's final act was to destroy the enemy but he lost his life in doing so. What a story, right?

However, several months ago when the story of Samson was being taught in Sunday School, something jumped out at me like it never has before. In two or three different places in the story of Samson before he begins his role as "judge" it speaks of the Spirit of God moving in him or stirring within him. Before it was time for him to actually step into his destiny, his place, his purpose in God's will, the Spirit began to work in his life. It began to stir within him. What did this feel like?

Well, I've often pondered if it felt like the restless feeling I've had within me for months now. A restless...can't quite put your finger on it....a yearning of the heart and soul....a longing to do something more. Is that what Samson felt? Did he feel like the Nazarite vow had some more purposeful meaning? Had his mother told him the story of the angel appearing to them foretelling of Samson's birth and how he was to be raised? Did he often lay awake at night trying to figure out why he was called to this life? And wonder when he might know why he was called?

This restless feeling in the Spirit could be worrisome if I dwelt on it. However, I'm choosing to keep my thoughts re-focused so that it is not about me and who I am in God's plan and when I'm supposed to take my destined spot in His plan or where that might be exactly. I'm choosing to focus on Him as my Father who is teaching me, Him as a Potter who is molding me, Him as a Faithful Friend who is always with me. I choose to focus on Him as Creator, Designer, and Sovereign God who knows how to raise up kings and kingdoms and bring them down at the exact times they should be. I accept this restless feeling as a way to keep me from being too comfortable where I am so that I will be ready to move when He calls. If I get too comfortable then I will hesitate even more to be obedient. And my greatest desire is to obey Him with all of my life.

Samson....he is one of my new favorite stories. I feel ya, man.


Yesterday my oldest child turned seven. It is hard to believe that seven years ago that I was in labor in a hospital room not knowing if I was going to have a little boy or a little girl. And hours later a beautiful baby boy with lots of dark hair weighing 10 lbs 1 oz was put in my arms. He was the most amazing thing I had ever laid my eyes on.

Now, I had the name Jonah picked out since I was in high school. If you don't remember, Jonah is the name of the Tom Hanks' son in the movie Sleepless in Seattle. When Jason and I started dating and knew we would marry, I decided to use Jason's middle name which was also his grandfather's name if we had a son. So, the name Jonah Argo for a little boy was a given as soon as I found out I was pregnant. So, when they told me it was a little boy and brought him to me, laid him in my arms, then I had the little Jonah Argo that I had always dreamed of having.

Jonah was such a happy baby. He smiled all of the time and laughed so easily. He loved to be rocked and at times I wondered if the child would ever learn to go to sleep on his own without being rocked. Jonah loved cartoons - Veggie Tales and Wiggles ranked among his favorites. I guess because there was so much singing and he loved to dance. Jonah has had a ball in his hand from the time that he could sit up. There were hours spent with Jonah propped up against the couch and one of us sitting across from him rolling the ball back and forth. And he loved to play with tractors. We had a small toy tractors and lawn mowers that went everywhere with us. He would play with them constantly. I guess it had to do with his daddy having tractors and lawn mowers that Jonah was completely fascinated with them. He loved to ride the tractor or lawn mower with his daddy. He would sit there contentedly forever. It was almost as bad having a tractor for him to play with as it was to have a pacifier.

He has brought so much joy to our lives. He laughs alot and enjoys playing games. Competitive but more with himself than anyone else. Jonah is very family oriented. He loves his parents, grandparents, aunts & uncles, cousins and enjoys spending time with them. And he is such a smart boy. I can remember when he was just a little over 2 years old and he could tell us the directions to go from our house to Pa and Nanny's house or from church back home. He's always loved to color, draw and write. Last year he learned about the internet and how we can get on there and play games. He loves to get on webkinz and play games to earn money and take care of his pets. And in school he just seems to soak up all of the learning. I'm already amazed at the things he can read and how creative he is with his imagination.

Jonah is a very responsible 7 year old. Of course at times he thinks he is much older than he is and believe he can do things without asking. Such as making sandwiches for him and his brother the other afternoon in the kitchen before dinner or going out to the shop to "work" on something for dad. One day he volunteered to mow the yard because he said he knew how to drive the lawn mower already. He is such a great help. You can give him multiple tasks to do and know that he will do it. Remind him to ask the teacher something at school and he certainly will.

And he is a very friendly child. It amazes me that he knows so many teachers and children from his school and he is only in first grade. It is nothing unusual for us to go to Walmart or the grocery store and see someone that speaks to Jonah or that Jonah speaks to. And if he has met them once, then he will forever remember them.

I am so blessed with this wonderful son. What a kid! Happy Birthday Jonah!