Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Quotes.... I love quotes. I love finding a good quote. It is like finding a treasure. And it is amazing the places you can find them. I have found great quotes on Starbucks cups and in the newspaper. I have found great quotes at the bottom of emails and in the newspaper. I have found great quotes in books and in magazines, even Sports Illustrated. And since joining Twitter, I have read some of the most amazing quotes. Some of them are from my favorite authors and some are from the motivational quotes that I follow.

Here are a few of my favorites right now:

Worship is focusing my attention on God, expressing my affection to God, using my abilities for God and placing my trust in God. - Rick Warren

The church needs fewer commentators and more innovators. fewer critics and more creators. fewer imitators and more dreamers - Mark Batterson
The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. - Franklin D. Roosevelt

Disconnecting from change does not recapture the past. It loses the future. - Kathleen Norris

Not to forgive is like drinking a glass of poison and waiting for your enemies to die. - Nelson Mandela

You never know how much you believe in the strength of the rope until you're hanging by it over a cliff. - C.S. Lewis

God created us for excellency, not mediocrity. (I Cor 15:58). - Joyce Meyer

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

No one would ever have crossed the ocean if it were possible to get off a ship in the middle of a storm. - Charles F. Kettering

When we compare ourselves with someone else, we can never measure up because we compare our insides with their outsides. - Unknown

The best effect of fine persons is felt after we have left their presence. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

We must stop regarding unpleasant or unexpected things as interruptions of real life. The truth is that interruptions are real life. - C.S. Lewis

Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives, is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see. - Corrie ten Boom

If you judge people, you have no time to love them. - Mother Theresa

I have held many things in my hands and I have lost them all. But whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still posses. - Martin Luther

The thing that makes a quote great is if it inspires you, motivates you, makes you think. Not all quotes are great. Some I have read just make me scratch my head and wonder, "Why did they say that?" and "Why did someone write it down?". However, good quotes roll around and around in my head and give me reason to do some self-examination. Or it may be the encouragement I need to continue moving forward in spite of a situation or how things look at the moment. Or it may make me smile and realize how much I have to be thankful for.

Don't you just love a good quote?


  1. I do! Here's one that's been in my head lately:

    It is possible to give without loving, but it is impossible to love without giving. -Bill Baldwin

  2. I love that quote Steven. I am going to write that one down too.
