Well we all survived the week that the boys were gone to Kentucky visiting their Uncle Brian and Aunt Ashley. The boys had a wonderful time. They went to an outdoor park and an indoor playground/arcade. They went swimming. They played games. They went to church and got lots of attention which of course they needed because they are absolutely starved for attention.
To cap off such a big week, we decided to meet up at the zoo in Knoxville. I drove up to the zoo and met the boys, Brian & Ashley, and Ashley's parents, Kevin & Pam. It was absolutely gorgeous weather - not too hot, not humid and fairly cloudy skies. This equals enjoyable time for the people and more active animals than would normally be seen during a typical July day in Tennessee. It wasn't too crowded either. We started off with the black bear and then to a red Panda. We then went off to see some river animals as well as the amphibians and reptiles. There were a variety of turtles. We saw a mama turtle and little baby turtle walking beside her.And then to the reptiles which I have no desire to see. What I am curious about is the fact that there seemed to be every type of snake that exists on the planet at the zoo but only two types of bears? Why? I don't know because I couldn't find anyone to ask.
We then made our way to Kids Cove. There was a barn to walk through with mice and an owl naturally. Then we went through the petting area and brushed some goats and sheep. One goat attempted to eat Ashley's camera bag but we made it out safely. We did get to see one goat poop but the staff managed to clean it up quickly before there was any type of incident. There was a play area with climbing and slides. The boys spent some time there but then we headed out to see the raccoons, beavers, rabbits, and skunks. Unfortunately the skunks were not in their exhibit but we were still able to smell some of their scent that they left behind.
There was also a play area with lily pads and water but we didn't stop there. Riley would have spent the rest of the day there but we had to move on to look at the turkey. And we wanted to make sure we made it to the chimp area before 2:00 so that we could see the baby chimp, George, at his birthday party. He turned one on Saturday and there was a special celebration.
Before we made it to the chimp area though, we stopped to see the birds of Central America. They were so amazing. For there to be so many kinds of birds they were each so different. Then we saw a prairie dog. He popped his head up and stayed up looking around for a long time. There was a small area where the kids could run in and pop their heads up like a prairie dog. We walked through the butterfly garden to look at....butterflies and the beautiful flowers.
The elephants, zebras, and giraffes were next. We spent a long time at the elephants. They are such an amazing creature. We also benefited from seeing an elephant poop. Probably there is a better way to phrase it but after you've had two kids and more specifically boys, this seems like the best way to phrase it. One elephant was apparently in some type of trance because he seemed to dance the whole time. And when I mean the whole time, I mean the whole time. Even when we came back from looking at the monkeys, lions, and the bird show....the elephant was still dancing.
The zebras were in the shade the first time we walked through. Except for one zebra who was partially laying down but had his head up. Brian (brother) gave a narration to the crowd as the zebra laid his head down. It was pretty funny and of course Brian drew an audience to himself. He's been doing that since he was a toddler. In between the giraffes and monkeys, we stopped for lunch. Apparently this was the same time that everyone else decided to stop for lunch too. It wasn't too bad of a wait though. Ashley and the boys found a table for us and rested. The boys called Jason to give dad the up to date information about the zoo.
The monkeys were amazing. Again, several different species of monkeys but only two bears. One of the gorillas was eating a piece of fruit and stopped to look at us through the glass several times. Gorillas have such huge heads and hands. I'm glad there was a thick piece of glass between us. Next and finally, we made it to the chimpanzees. We saw baby George who was just waking up from a nap. He was rubbing his eyes...so sweet. And there were bags laying everywhere from the time that he opened his presents. He walked around and then found mom to cuddle. There were some more chimps in an open area. One came down to the glass and was eating lemons and limes. Jonah and Riley got right up next to the glass and were literally head to head with the chimp. The chimp would spit out the seeds from the lemon and when he did that he would stick out his tongue. And Jonah would stick out his tongue back.
Ashley's favorite part were the lions. The cheetahs were resting in the shade but were very visible. The lioness' were all laying down as well but you could see the lion on the other side of the cage. The tiger however was up and moving around. Although he didn't roar you could hear him making noises. They all were truly amazing.
We walked back through and many of the animals had moved around so we got another good look at them, except for the dancing elephant. He was in the same spot still dancing. The giraffes had come up closer probably because someone had stuck some branches out there for them to eat. The boys stopped for ice cream to help them cool off. We watched part of a bird show as well. They had a bird called Einstein and although I can't remember what kind of bird it was, he was amazing. I can not believe all the words they taught and various sounds they taught him. And the fact that the bird could remember the cues for those words and sounds.
The main highlight of Riley's day was at the end of the day when the two of us rode the camel. Yes, we rode a camel. And prior to us getting on the camel, the baby camel who was in the open area pooped and peed. Riley said that camels just don't know any better to "go and find some privacy". And he's exactly right. We got on this camel and my first thought, It is going to hurt if we fall off. Of course after we started moving, I was trying to figure out why people would ever willingly choose camels as their source of transportation for any length of distance. But I guess if the choice is between your two feet and their four feet, then you'd probably choose theirs too. However when you did start walking on your two feet again, there would definitely be some stiffness and bowing of the legs.
And the boys were asleep before we left Knoxville.....